Sunday, February 3, 2013

Why I chose SIS 2015

Choosing classes can be an absolute nightmare when it comes time to create your schedule for the next semester of college. Especially when you are required to take a certain type of class much like the Sophomore Interdisciplinary Study course. You are given a list of set options and it can be difficult to sign up for the one that interests you the most when you have so many other sophomores signing up as well. The class you like can fill up very quickly and you might not be able to get the one you want. However, sometimes "lady luck" can be on your side and you have the opportunity to take part in the class you really wanted to take. For this semester, "lady luck" was certainly on my side. Being a German major I have learned a lot about fairy tales because The Grimm Brothers are a very important aspect of German history. It only makes sense to want to learn the most about this aspect as possible since there is not a specific course offered here about German fairy tales. Even though this course is not specifically dedicated to strictly German-based stories, there is a huge emphasis since The Grimm Brothers are known for, and really famous for their play on fairy tales. I look forward to diving into this class because I feel like it would really help my major and the fact that it sounds very interesting because each culture interprets each tale in a different way. I would like to know more about why they changed the story the way they did and what makes it effective. I look forward to taking this class with Dr. Esa, not just because he's been my German professor for four semesters, but because he knows how to teach, and teach well. Hopefully this course will meet all of my expectations and impress me like I know it should.

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